General Building

Pli-Dek San Diego Contractor

We are proud for our partners:
PLI-DEK This is the only walking deck system approved by the California State Fire Marshall for Wildland Urban Interface HIGH FIRE ZONES: TESTED & APPROVED


While all of California is subject to some degree of fire hazard, there are environmental factors that make some areas of California more hazardous than others. The State Fire Marshal’s Building Materials Listing (BML) Program determines through testing whether a product is deemed appropriate for the exterior design and construction of new buildings located within a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area by establishing a minimum standard for protection through code compliancy and testing.

Pli-Dek Waterproofing Deck Coating System is qualified to be installed in Fire Hazard Severity Zone within State Responsibility Areas or any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area.

Call us to schedule a FREE consultation!